January 24, 2023
Murphy’s Law 2023 | #7 — County and Township funding bills
This morning your NDSGA testified on two bills that would help rural road funding.
The first was SB 2275 and it would move a $400 million bucket called the SIIF –Strategic Investment and Improvement Fund- which fills from the Prairie Dog formula (oil tax is the fountain that fills these buckets). City, County and Township Infrastructure are the next bucket if enough money...
January 21, 2023
Murphy’s Law Blog 2023 | #6 — Getting Somewhere
Today, I was able to join Representative Paul Thomas and the North Dakota Ag Commissioner in testifying favorably on HB 1148. The bill establishes a $15 million Ag Infrastructure Fund whereby political subdivisions could access up to $2.5 million to help with costs associated with value added projects. As an example, NDSGA used the $25 million re-do of Stutsman County Road...
January 18, 2023
Murphy’s Law Blog | #5 — Bills Still Pouring In
Today, Rep. Thomas presented HB 1147. It asks for $100 million/year for the next 10 years for county and township bridges. The Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute states that we need about $95 million a year for the next 20 years to get our bridges up to snuff.
Earlier, I brought support for Senator Wanzek’s bill which would allow monies to counties and...
January 13, 2023
Murphy’s Law 2023 | #4 — Some New Ag Bills Dropped
Today, we saw several bills concerning your industry. Bill numbers and a short summary follow if you would care to look them up:
HB 1356 is about farmland purchased by foreigners (aliens in the bill)
HB 1369 concerns funding fertilizer plant startups.
HB 1370 is on sales tax exemption for on-farm grain bin/storage.
HB 1371 is a description changing some definitions...
January 10, 2023
Murphy’s Law 2023 | #3 — Bills Are Starting to Be Introduced
This is the fourth official legislative day and the sixth day of people meeting to make laws. So far, 441 bills have been put into the system for review and most expect there to be somewhere between 1,200 and 1,400, eventually. Last session there were approximately 900. There are a couple of weeks left to introduce, so rumors abound as to what is going to appear, and...
January 6, 2023
Murphy’s Law 2023 | #2 — Session Begins
Today is the third day of the session but still the first official legislative day (we get 80). This is because they only count as an official day if the House and Senate convene in their respective chambers. They did so on Tuesday to kick it off, but they don’t have enough bills that have made it through committees to act on together. So tomorrow, Friday, they will...
December 9, 2022
Murphy’s Law 2023 | #1 — Legislative Ag Committees Chosen
Your legislators know what committees they are on as of yesterday. Senate Agriculture has a wrinkle in that Veterans Affairs committee was blended into it. Same Chairman in is Senator Luick, with member Senators Myrdal, Lemm, Weber, Weston and Hogan filling it out. Moving the Veterans Affairs committee made room for a brand-new committee called Workforce, although the House...
November 8, 2022
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #14 — Lateral Effects on Drainage
Okay, this is a continuation of reporting from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) meeting that I spoke of in Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 – #13 NRCS Meeting. It just got too long for a blog. Anyway, I understand that when producers are dealing with wetlands that there are times when they will call NRCS or some authority asking where/what they can/cannot do....
November 7, 2022
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #13 — NRCS Meeting
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has a division many of you are familiar with known as the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Their Technical Committee met for the first-time face to face this past week since the pandemic began in 2020. The head of the NRCS in North Dakota is Mary Podoll. Mary has held that position for the last 11 years...
September 29, 2022
Murphy’s Law 2022 | #12 — Taxation Changes?
This month we saw the final meeting of the Interim Taxation Committee of our state legislature. They are expertly led by Senator Dale Patten of Williston, a former banker and county commissioner.
At issue are breaks or reformulations of our state income tax and property tax, but probably not both. The Governor has joined a proposal for a 1.5% flat...
September 8, 2022
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #11 — Last Ag and Natural Resources Meeting
The last Ag and Natural Resources Committee meeting lasted about 90 minutes in Fargo and was kicked off by the new president of NDSU, Dr. David Cook. He discussed his past experience in higher education in both Iowa and Kansas and gave an update on how he has hit the ground running by going around the state visiting each of the eight NDSU Research stations. I was impressed...
July 23, 2022
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #10 — Ag Coalition Meeting
A two-fold mission was played out this week in BisMan. One, was to attend portions of the International Legislators Forum (ILF) followed and capped by the Ag Coalition meeting. The ILF is made up of legislators from North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Manitoba. It was founded more than twenty years ago with the intent of working on mutual water issues, especially the...
July 14, 2022
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #9 — North Dakota Joint Summer Water Meeting
The North Dakota Joint Summer Water Meeting is considered a joint meeting because during parts of the three days they meet, Garrison Diversion and Water Resource Districts hang out and do business, sometimes independently, at other times together. This week it was at the Holiday Inn of Fargo, and I will report briefly on my jumping around to cover both organizations: Mostly...
July 13, 2022
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #8 — Upper Red River Basin Hearing
Each of North Dakota’s State Water Commissioners is hosting their basin meetings this July to hear what occupants have to offer for discussion. The hot topic has been changing the magnitudes of state cost share. Rural water advocates were lined up to speak to Commissioner April Walker but was not in attendance. Subbed in was Director of the Department of Water Resources...
June 27, 2022
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #7 — Golf and Water Topics
Golf first; we are about a month away from the 9th Annual Jamestown NDSGA Open. It will open for registration and lunch on Tuesday, July 26 at 11 with shotgun at noon. Social, supper and prizes after! Please grab some folks for fun and let Nancy know at 701-640-5215. See you there!
Water Topics met and got some updates from various cities and projects. One topic...
May 6, 2022
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #6 — Spiritwood Roads
On Wednesday, there was a meeting with about 30 folks at Spiritwood concerning road conditions and needs once the ADM soybean crush plant is in operation. Attendees included North Dakota Soybean Growers Association members (with Executive Director Nancy Johnson chairing the meeting), North Dakota Soybean Council directors and North Dakota Corn Grower members. There were...
April 12, 2022
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #5 — Water Drainage and Township Money
Last weekend while out in western North Dakota, the newborn calves were scampering around while some were seeing their first day in relatively decent weather. Hopefully those ranchers were able to offer some shelter from the whiteout conditions that is now going on while I type now that I’m back in the eastern side of the state. Like soybean farmers seeing the fields sprout...
April 7, 2022
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #4 Tax Committee, Other Issues
On April 6, North Dakota Soybean Growers Association (NDSGA) Executive Director and newly named American Soybean Association (ASA) Leadership Award winner Nancy Johnson showed why she deserves both titles when addressing the interim North Dakota Tax Committee. When this committee last met, I had testified in favor of keeping the soybean crush tax incentive and the...
March 24, 2022
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #3 — Waters for Fightin'
On March 22, 2022, attorney Jack Dwyer, the Executive Secretary of the Water Resource Districts Association, testified in front of the Water Topics Interim committee concerning bill number 2208 from last session. This bill failed and became a study for the interim. Mr. Dwyer titled his presentation, “SB 2208 and the Formation of the Water Drainage Committee – A Result of...
February 16, 2022
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #2 — Ag and Natural Resources
This committee had met for the first time in October and now for the second time this Tuesday. They have completed most of what they were assigned to do, receiving reports from the Advisory committee on Sustainable Agriculture. Because year after year nothing is done with this topic, they are submitting a draft bill to do away with the annual reporting. The issue is that no...