Your legislators know what committees they are on as of yesterday. Senate Agriculture has a wrinkle in that Veterans Affairs committee was blended into it. Same Chairman in is Senator Luick, with member Senators Myrdal, Lemm, Weber, Weston and Hogan filling it out. Moving the Veterans Affairs committee made room for a brand-new committee called Workforce, although the House committees stayed the same. I suppose when Workforce sends a bill to the other chamber it will have to be referred to Industry, Business and Labor or any other committee that seems to fit whatever topic that bill most closely fits.
Ag committee on the House side will be chaired by Representative Paul Thomas with Representatives Beltz, Fisher, Headland, Henderson, Keifert, S.Olson, Prichard, Schreiber-Beck, Tveit, Van Winkle and Finley-DeVille. I wanted to spell them out so you can see who they are. Some may not be farmers, but many of you may know a committee member or two which makes it more probable you will engage. This is a good time to do that before they get swamped once the session starts the first week of January. Thanks for taking part in the lawmaking process.
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