Murphy’s Law 2023 | #10 — Architects, Bioscience, Drainage, Zoning
Good afternoon. The title of the blog shows a few of the topics and bills of yesterday and today. Architects and engineers need to look at and sign off on public buildings that are built in North Dakota. This includes buildings built for NDSU Research and Extension such as machine sheds and the like at […]hi
Good afternoon. The title of the blog shows a few of the topics and bills of yesterday and today. Architects and engineers need to look at and sign off on public buildings that are built in North Dakota. This includes buildings built for NDSU Research and Extension such as machine sheds and the like at their stations. SB 2347 is the number and had a hearing today. Proponents of raising the...
Murphy’s Law 2023 | #9 — There is a lot happening in Bismarck
This week saw NDSU’s Research and Extension budget hearing by the House Appropriations subcommittee which dives deeper into the details. It seems from the discussion on this bill, HB 1020, that the number one priority coming in is going to be fully funded. Now called the Ag Field Lab, this $97 million facility would be […]hi
This week saw NDSU’s Research and Extension budget hearing by the House Appropriations subcommittee which dives deeper into the details. It seems from the discussion on this bill, HB 1020, that the number one priority coming in is going to be fully funded. Now called the Ag Field Lab, this $97 million facility would be a victory for plant breeding and combatting pathology in North Dakota...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2023 | #6 — Getting Somewhere
Today, I was able to join Representative Paul Thomas and the North Dakota Ag Commissioner in testifying favorably on HB 1148. The bill establishes a $15 million Ag Infrastructure Fund whereby political subdivisions could access up to $2.5 million to help with costs associated with value added projects. As an example, NDSGA used the $25 […]hi
Today, I was able to join Representative Paul Thomas and the North Dakota Ag Commissioner in testifying favorably on HB 1148. The bill establishes a $15 million Ag Infrastructure Fund whereby political subdivisions could access up to $2.5 million to help with costs associated with value added projects. As an example, NDSGA used the $25 million re-do of Stutsman County Road 62 for a 10-mile...
Murphy’s Law 2023 | #3 — Bills Are Starting to Be Introduced
This is the fourth official legislative day and the sixth day of people meeting to make laws. So far, 441 bills have been put into the system for review and most expect there to be somewhere between 1,200 and 1,400, eventually. Last session there were approximately 900. There are a couple of weeks left to […]hi
This is the fourth official legislative day and the sixth day of people meeting to make laws. So far, 441 bills have been put into the system for review and most expect there to be somewhere between 1,200 and 1,400, eventually. Last session there were approximately 900. There are a couple of weeks left to introduce, so rumors abound as to what is going to appear, and reasons why more have...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #14 — Lateral Effects on Drainage
Okay, this is a continuation of reporting from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) meeting that I spoke of in Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 – #13 NRCS Meeting. It just got too long for a blog. Anyway, I understand that when producers are dealing with wetlands that there are times when they will call NRCS or some […]hi
Okay, this is a continuation of reporting from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) meeting that I spoke of in Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 – #13 NRCS Meeting. It just got too long for a blog. Anyway, I understand that when producers are dealing with wetlands that there are times when they will call NRCS or some authority asking where/what they can/cannot do. Farmers want...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #9 — North Dakota Joint Summer Water Meeting
The North Dakota Joint Summer Water Meeting is considered a joint meeting because during parts of the three days they meet, Garrison Diversion and Water Resource Districts hang out and do business, sometimes independently, at other times together. This week it was at the Holiday Inn of Fargo, and I will report briefly on my […]hi
The North Dakota Joint Summer Water Meeting is considered a joint meeting because during parts of the three days they meet, Garrison Diversion and Water Resource Districts hang out and do business, sometimes independently, at other times together. This week it was at the Holiday Inn of Fargo, and I will report briefly on my jumping around to cover both organizations: Mostly I spent time with...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #8 — Upper Red River Basin Hearing
Each of North Dakota’s State Water Commissioners is hosting their basin meetings this July to hear what occupants have to offer for discussion. The hot topic has been changing the magnitudes of state cost share. Rural water advocates were lined up to speak to Commissioner April Walker but was not in attendance. Subbed in was […]hi
Each of North Dakota’s State Water Commissioners is hosting their basin meetings this July to hear what occupants have to offer for discussion. The hot topic has been changing the magnitudes of state cost share. Rural water advocates were lined up to speak to Commissioner April Walker but was not in attendance. Subbed in was Director of the Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #5 — Water Drainage and Township Money
Last weekend while out in western North Dakota, the newborn calves were scampering around while some were seeing their first day in relatively decent weather. Hopefully those ranchers were able to offer some shelter from the whiteout conditions that is now going on while I type now that I’m back in the eastern side of […]hi
Last weekend while out in western North Dakota, the newborn calves were scampering around while some were seeing their first day in relatively decent weather. Hopefully those ranchers were able to offer some shelter from the whiteout conditions that is now going on while I type now that I’m back in the eastern side of the state. Like soybean farmers seeing the fields sprout anew,...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #4 Tax Committee, Other Issues
On April 6, North Dakota Soybean Growers Association (NDSGA) Executive Director and newly named American Soybean Association (ASA) Leadership Award winner Nancy Johnson showed why she deserves both titles when addressing the interim North Dakota Tax Committee. When this committee last met, I had testified in favor of keeping the soybean crush tax incentive and […]hi
On April 6, North Dakota Soybean Growers Association (NDSGA) Executive Director and newly named American Soybean Association (ASA) Leadership Award winner Nancy Johnson showed why she deserves both titles when addressing the interim North Dakota Tax Committee. When this committee last met, I had testified in favor of keeping the soybean crush...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2021 | #57 — Water Drainage Interim Committee Meets
This committee first met in the summer and this, their second meeting, took half a day. There were only three outside presenters, the first being Senator Cramer who joined via computer. He spoke of WOTUS issues and was happy that EPA folks had come out to visit North Dakota to learn firsthand what is happening. […]hi
This committee first met in the summer and this, their second meeting, took half a day. There were only three outside presenters, the first being Senator Cramer who joined via computer. He spoke of WOTUS issues and was happy that EPA folks had come out to visit North Dakota to learn firsthand what is happening. Then the new and first director of the Department of Water Resources (DWR),...