Murphy’s Law 2024 #12 | An Alert and Goodbye
It struck me after writing to you all last week that I failed to mention something that, depending on the NDSGA board and the November election results, may need action in the coming Legislative Session. Namely, during the Tax Advisory hearing, a man named Don Clement stood and testified to the committee that, while he […]hi
It struck me after writing to you all last week that I failed to mention something that, depending on the NDSGA board and the November election results, may need action in the coming Legislative Session. Namely, during the Tax Advisory hearing, a man named Don Clement stood and testified to the committee that, while he was against abolishing the property tax, he was going to bring action to...
Murphy’s Law 2024 #11 | Tax Committee
A familiar bill the last few sessions has been about agricultural property either within a city boundary and/or an Ag property which has become surrounded by development. There are those who have asked why some political subs handle the taxation of these types of properties differently, with some judging them to be commercial and others […]hi
A familiar bill the last few sessions has been about agricultural property either within a city boundary and/or an Ag property which has become surrounded by development. There are those who have asked why some political subs handle the taxation of these types of properties differently, with some judging them to be commercial and others agricultural.
The topic was tackled at a recent Interim...
Murphy’s Law 2024 #10 | Agriculture Committee Meets at NDSU
There were a few topics discussed in this recent meeting, the first I will discuss was on the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). You may recall that the complaint had to do with some flood insurance policy holders being surprised to find out when filing claims that their policies were no good. Some agents were […]hi
There were a few topics discussed in this recent meeting, the first I will discuss was on the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). You may recall that the complaint had to do with some flood insurance policy holders being surprised to find out when filing claims that their policies were no good. Some agents were also taken aback. It had to do with zoning requirements and filings that...
Murphy’s Law 2024 #9 | Tax Advisory Interim Committee
As discussed in an earlier missive, this committee is working to identify alternatives for modifying our state property tax. In the face of a probable referral measure which would put the elimination of our current property tax on the November ballot, one committee member is recommending that the committee support his idea of doubling the […]hi
As discussed in an earlier missive, this committee is working to identify alternatives for modifying our state property tax. In the face of a probable referral measure which would put the elimination of our current property tax on the November ballot, one committee member is recommending that the committee support his idea of doubling the primary residential forgiveness from $500 to $1,000....
Murphy’s Law 2024 #8 | Water Topics
Last week saw the Interim Committee known as Water Topics meeting. They heard from many projects such as flood control in various cities, water supply, etc. I have chosen to mention a few of the presentations as they pertain more to you as largely rural residents. Firstly, to sum up the presentation by Eric Volk, […]hi
Last week saw the Interim Committee known as Water Topics meeting. They heard from many projects such as flood control in various cities, water supply, etc. I have chosen to mention a few of the presentations as they pertain more to you as largely rural residents. Firstly, to sum up the presentation by Eric Volk, the long-time executive director of the North Dakota Rural Water Systems...
Murphy’s Law 2024 #7 | EDTC Hears About Importance of Carbon Capture
This month saw the Legislative Interim Committee called Energy Development Transmission listening to Director of Mineral Resources Lynn Helms. Mr. Helms went through a presentation which explained how critical CO2 pipelines coming into the state from the south, west and north will be for reaching the potential harvest of oil and gas in North Dakota. […]hi
This month saw the Legislative Interim Committee called Energy Development Transmission listening to Director of Mineral Resources Lynn Helms. Mr. Helms went through a presentation which explained how critical CO2 pipelines coming into the state from the south, west and north will be for reaching the potential harvest of oil and gas in North Dakota. Our $8 billion Legacy Fund, $6 billion...
Murphy’s Law #6 | ND Transportation Coalition Meets
Your NDSGA is a charter member of the North Dakota Transportation Coalition (NDTC) and joined about 20 other organizations in a call this week to discuss, primarily, the effects of passage concerning the ballot measure which would eliminate property taxes in our state. To be clear, the needed signatures (and vetting thereof) are not yet […]hi
Your NDSGA is a charter member of the North Dakota Transportation Coalition (NDTC) and joined about 20 other organizations in a call this week to discuss, primarily, the effects of passage concerning the ballot measure which would eliminate property taxes in our state. To be clear, the needed signatures (and vetting thereof) are not yet handed in so while it may not be on the ballot, the time...
Murphy’s Law 2024 #5 | Tax Relief Advisory Committee
The discussion on multiple taxing questions continued this week. For one, my take on the committee direction concerning elimination of the marriage penalty at the state income tax level is to look favorably upon action in the coming session and possibly even have a bill prepared for introduction. For another, it would appear that adjusting […]hi
The discussion on multiple taxing questions continued this week. For one, my take on the committee direction concerning elimination of the marriage penalty at the state income tax level is to look favorably upon action in the coming session and possibly even have a bill prepared for introduction.
For another, it would appear that adjusting income tax brackets so that about 86% of our state’s...
Murphy’s Law 2024 | #4 Water Topics Committee
Time was spent at a recent meeting educating this interim committee about water policies which included testimony from the Department of Water Resources (DWR). They heard from the DWR’s Regulatory division, Water Appropriations division, a financial update and then some topics such as aquifer recharge and recovery and finally some details on water-related research. After […]hi
Time was spent at a recent meeting educating this interim committee about water policies which included testimony from the Department of Water Resources (DWR). They heard from the DWR’s Regulatory division, Water Appropriations division, a financial update and then some topics such as aquifer recharge and recovery and finally some details on water-related research. After lunch, Karl...
Murphy’s Law 2024 | #3 Ag and Natural Resources Meets
The committee opened by welcoming a newly appointed Representative from the Minot area following the resignation of Representative Larry Bellew. Representative Joanne Rademacher said she farms and ranches in the Foxholm area. In trying to get all information relevant to the topic of foreign land ownership, the agenda opened with Chair Paul Thomas who had […]hi
The committee opened by welcoming a newly appointed Representative from the Minot area following the resignation of Representative Larry Bellew. Representative Joanne Rademacher said she farms and ranches in the Foxholm area. In trying to get all information relevant to the topic of foreign land ownership, the agenda opened with Chair Paul Thomas who had Senator Kevin Cramer appear virtually...