NDSGA | Legislative Report — February 10, 2023
North Dakota Grain Growers Association Executive Director Dan Wogsland explains that the North Dakota Legislature is quickly nearing crossover. He also highlighted the Ag Research and Extension bill.hi
North Dakota Grain Growers Association Executive Director Dan Wogsland explains that the North Dakota Legislature is quickly nearing crossover. He also highlighted the Ag Research and Extension bill.
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #14 — Lateral Effects on Drainage
Okay, this is a continuation of reporting from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) meeting that I spoke of in Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 – #13 NRCS Meeting. It just got too long for a blog. Anyway, I understand that when producers are dealing with wetlands that there are times when they will call NRCS or some […]hi
Okay, this is a continuation of reporting from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) meeting that I spoke of in Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 – #13 NRCS Meeting. It just got too long for a blog. Anyway, I understand that when producers are dealing with wetlands that there are times when they will call NRCS or some authority asking where/what they can/cannot do. Farmers want...

Soybean Farmers Share 2023 Farm Bill Priorities
Washington, D.C., May 25, 2022. The American Soybean Association is excited to share soy’s 2023 Farm Bill priorities. As the House and Senate Agriculture Committees lay the foundation for this pivotal legislation, ASA hopes its initial priorities list will provide insight and assure soy growers’ interests are considered as the farm bill process continues with hearings […]hi
Washington, D.C., May 25, 2022. The American Soybean Association is excited to share soy’s 2023 Farm Bill priorities. As the House and Senate Agriculture Committees lay the foundation for this pivotal legislation, ASA hopes its initial priorities list will provide insight and assure soy growers’ interests are considered as the farm bill process continues with hearings this year and...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2021 | #51 — SBARE Testimony
The State Board of Agricultural Research and Education (SBARE) has been around for almost 25 years and has several stated goals you can read on their website, but it is about Ag research and getting those results applied to help producers and their communities. They hold listening sessions for several days around the state to help […]hi
The State Board of Agricultural Research and Education (SBARE) has been around for almost 25 years and has several stated goals you can read on their website, but it is about Ag research and getting those results applied to help producers and their communities. They hold listening sessions for several days around the state to help them prioritize needs so that they can present them to the...