NDSGA | Legislative Report — February 3, 2023
House Agriculture Committee Chair Paul Thomas introduced HB 1423. "The emphasis with this bill is to improve upon relationships between counties, townships and private landowners."hi
House Agriculture Committee Chair Paul Thomas introduced HB 1423. “The emphasis with this bill is to improve upon relationships between counties, townships and private landowners.”
NDSGA | Legislative Report — January 27, 2023
HB 1437 is one of the bills being debated in this session to enhance animal agriculture in the state. NDSGA Executive Director Nancy Johnson and Representative Mike Beltz are featured.hi
HB 1437 is one of the bills being debated in this session to enhance animal agriculture in the state. NDSGA Executive Director Nancy Johnson and Representative Mike Beltz are featured.
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #6 — Spiritwood Roads
On Wednesday, there was a meeting with about 30 folks at Spiritwood concerning road conditions and needs once the ADM soybean crush plant is in operation. Attendees included North Dakota Soybean Growers Association members (with Executive Director Nancy Johnson chairing the meeting), North Dakota Soybean Council directors and North Dakota Corn Grower members. There were […]hi
On Wednesday, there was a meeting with about 30 folks at Spiritwood concerning road conditions and needs once the ADM soybean crush plant is in operation. Attendees included North Dakota Soybean Growers Association members (with Executive Director Nancy Johnson chairing the meeting), North Dakota Soybean Council directors and North Dakota Corn Grower members. There were also four North...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2022 | #4 Tax Committee, Other Issues
On April 6, North Dakota Soybean Growers Association (NDSGA) Executive Director and newly named American Soybean Association (ASA) Leadership Award winner Nancy Johnson showed why she deserves both titles when addressing the interim North Dakota Tax Committee. When this committee last met, I had testified in favor of keeping the soybean crush tax incentive and […]hi
On April 6, North Dakota Soybean Growers Association (NDSGA) Executive Director and newly named American Soybean Association (ASA) Leadership Award winner Nancy Johnson showed why she deserves both titles when addressing the interim North Dakota Tax Committee. When this committee last met, I had testified in favor of keeping the soybean crush...
American Soybean Association Honors North Dakota Soybean Growers Association Executive Director Nancy Johnson with Distinguished Leadership Award
New Orleans, La., March 11, 2022 – The American Soybean Association (ASA) recognized Nancy Johnson, of North Dakota, with its Distinguished Leadership Award during an awards ceremony in New Orleans during Commodity Classic on Friday. The ASA Distinguished Leadership Award recognizes a soybean grower or association staff leader who has shown a high level of dedication […]hi
ASA Distinguished Leadership 2022
New Orleans, La., March 11, 2022 – The American Soybean Association (ASA) recognized Nancy Johnson, of North Dakota, with its Distinguished Leadership Award during an awards ceremony in New Orleans during Commodity Classic on Friday.
The ASA Distinguished Leadership Award recognizes a...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2021 | #52 — Ag/Energy Summit, Special Session
The first Agriculture and Energy summit was held at the Fargo Radisson on Tuesday, November 9 in the afternoon. Hosted by the Commerce Department, it was taking a stab at getting players together looking for synergies seeing as, and I quote the ND Commerce Dept.’s Josh Teigen – “70% of North Dakota’s GDP is related […]hi
The first Agriculture and Energy summit was held at the Fargo Radisson on Tuesday, November 9 in the afternoon. Hosted by the Commerce Department, it was taking a stab at getting players together looking for synergies seeing as, and I quote the ND Commerce Dept.’s Josh Teigen – “70% of North Dakota’s GDP is related to oil and soil.” Gotta nice ring to it, does it not?
I have to tell...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2021 | #51 — SBARE Testimony
The State Board of Agricultural Research and Education (SBARE) has been around for almost 25 years and has several stated goals you can read on their website, but it is about Ag research and getting those results applied to help producers and their communities. They hold listening sessions for several days around the state to help […]hi
The State Board of Agricultural Research and Education (SBARE) has been around for almost 25 years and has several stated goals you can read on their website, but it is about Ag research and getting those results applied to help producers and their communities. They hold listening sessions for several days around the state to help them prioritize needs so that they can present them to the...