On April 6, North Dakota Soybean Growers Association (NDSGA) Executive Director and newly named American Soybean Association (ASA) Leadership Award winner Nancy Johnson showed why she deserves both titles when addressing the interim North Dakota Tax Committee. When this committee last met, I had testified in favor of keeping the soybean crush tax incentive and the legislators agreed. Chairman Patten asked if there was anything more that the committee could do to aid the soybean industry and Nancy answered the call with a succinct presentation explaining the size and scope of soybean growth and processing. She proposed that the legislature might take a look at indexing or increasing the incentive amount to account for inflation, then answered questions to a depth made possible only by being immersed in the soybean business every day.
We are working on several issues including roads, NDSU Research and Extension (SBARE) needs, water drainage, weed control and other issues that might need immediate attention, while some need planning for potential legislative session action. For instance, one major opportunity of the new crush plant will be abundant feed for animal feeding operations. What can we do to help facilitate more state usage of this resource? Because you participate in the soybean checkoff, that does not mean you are a North Dakota Soybean Grower Association member. We work for you and would appreciate your participation and membership. If you would like to become part of the solution, please visit the website to become a member here.
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