ASA & USB Remind All Farmers: — #SoyHelp to Manage Farm Stress Only a Web Click or Social Search Away
Joint campaign during Mental Health Month will offer tips and resources to help farmers stay healthy Washington, D.C. May 4, 2022 – The American Soybean Association (ASA), United Soybean Board (USB), and soy states want to help farmers who may need a hand managing the stress of life on the farm. This May during Mental […]hi
Joint campaign during Mental Health Month will offer tips and resources to help farmers stay healthy
Washington, D.C. May 4, 2022 – The American Soybean Association (ASA), United Soybean Board (USB), and soy states want to help farmers who may need a hand managing the stress of life on the farm. This May during Mental Health Month, the soy community will continue its...

Soybean Farmers Share 2023 Farm Bill Priorities
Washington, D.C., May 25, 2022. The American Soybean Association is excited to share soy’s 2023 Farm Bill priorities. As the House and Senate Agriculture Committees lay the foundation for this pivotal legislation, ASA hopes its initial priorities list will provide insight and assure soy growers’ interests are considered as the farm bill process continues with hearings […]hi
Washington, D.C., May 25, 2022. The American Soybean Association is excited to share soy’s 2023 Farm Bill priorities. As the House and Senate Agriculture Committees lay the foundation for this pivotal legislation, ASA hopes its initial priorities list will provide insight and assure soy growers’ interests are considered as the farm bill process continues with hearings this year and...