Today was a big step in reduction of property taxes for ND. This bill, SB2206, is the culmination of an effort that began in 1997 to take responsibility for state mandates that the counties had to pay for where Social Services were concerned. Last session had a buy back for program services and this bill eliminates the 20 mill Social Services levy so that counties cannot backfill. The intent is partially to have the state pay for its mandates and partially to make sure that counties cannot use that vacuum of 20 mills to raise property taxes further.
Legislators who have been involved for 2 decades are pleased, believing that property taxes can now to a greater degree be levied locally for local priorities. There is also a formula that takes large and small counties with many differences into account. It got a unanimous Do Pass recommendation in Senate Finance and Tax this morning. That is a $250 million bill. Knowing that property taxes are important to our growers, I thought you might like to know.