Last week we had an hour or so at the Clemens/Ericson farm outside of Wimbledon. The idea was to gather interested growers in the shop and discuss what happened in the ND Legislature concerning agricultural issues. We did have 10 or so producers show up at 8 in the morning and besides a short presentation from Scott Rising and me, it was mostly answering questions about a variety of issues. By all accounts it was a positive event and it was good to see their operation and family members.
This week, I sat in on the three days of meetings in Fargo at the North Dakota Soybean Council offices with the first two days belonging to the Council agenda and the third, the North Dakota Soybean Growers Association. Besides making determinations on funding a lot of different projects through their committees (Marketing, Communications, Research), both groups heard a presentation from the Minnesota Soybean Processors cooperative concerning the pending Spiritwood soybean crush plant. It was not an investment pitch but an explanation of the potential operation. Currently, MnSP is on tour with the first round of fundraising informational meetings. Several informational meetings are planned for July.
Finally, the Growers have a golf tournament at Jamestown on July 25 and Maple River GC August 29. Check it out at the NDSGA website under events. We need sponsors and players!