Hello there, citizens interested in state policy. Similar to the past four years, I will be posting my blog on what is going on in the 67th North Dakota Legislative Assembly as it pertains to you, our ND Soybean Growers. The machinery is in motion and the first bills have been assigned committee hearing times. Of particular interest to most ag producers is bill 1026 which is the Agriculture Departments overhaul of inspection and regulation of the grain warehouse industry. The bill is 1026 (bills that begin with 1 are House bills, a 2 denotes a bill that begins in the Senate – in the middle of the session they crossover to be dealt with in the other house) and will be heard on January 7 at 9 a.m. Both the regulated and regulator got together on this bill and hammered it out over the interim. The farmers on the committee also appear to be good with it at this point. If you care enough, every committee hearing will be available to see and hear this year for the first time, joining floor sessions which have been viewable since 2013.
https://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/67-2021/regular is the link to watch on your computer. There is a section for House bills and a separate section for Senator bills.