2019 kicks off the third year and second legislative session for this blog. And we have taken the liberty of starting the numbering with 1. During these four months the idea is to give you growers a brief look at what is happening in Bismarck. Right now we are in the first full week and on Friday I listened in on Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee as they heard Senate Bill (SB) 2037. That is about a bore hole in Pierce County that had residents (mostly rural and farmers) upset as they suspected that the U.S. government was beginning the process of using the area for a high level radioactive waste disposal site. This summer the Interim committee crafted a bill to make sure that if any of that waste enters ND that various government entities will be notified. There were requests from area residents on Friday for greater setbacks and more notification for those living near any potential site. There is no high level radioactive disposal site in North Dakota and as the ultimate NIMBY, to establish one would be highly problematic. Then, in Agriculture Committee, I listened to the head of ND Trust Lands explain why they want to eliminate the term “summer fallow” from the Century Code as it is an outdated practice with cover cropping and continuous cropping, amongst other methods, having proved superior. In speaking with legislators, many see this as being a difficult session with dollars – duh – the central issue. I will attempt to blog updates every two or three days as we head for the end of April.