NDSGA | Legislative Report — March 10, 2023
North Dakota Corn Growers Association Legislative Liaison Samantha Vangsness talks about several bills including NDSU Extension and Research budget, establishing livestock-friendly county designations and sales tax use and exemption for grain bins receiving a do pass.hi
North Dakota Corn Growers Association Legislative Liaison Samantha Vangsness talks about several bills including NDSU Extension and Research budget, establishing livestock-friendly county designations and sales tax use and exemption for grain bins receiving a do pass.
NDSGA | Legislative Report — March 3, 2023
North Dakota Soybean Growers Association Legislative Liaison Phil Murphy talks about several bills that are directed at expanding and supporting animal agriculture in North Dakota.hi
North Dakota Soybean Growers Association Legislative Liaison Phil Murphy talks about several bills that are directed at expanding and supporting animal agriculture in North Dakota.
NDSGA | Legislative Report — February 24, 2023
The North Dakota Legislature is in recess until Wednesday when the second half of the session begins. House Agriculture Committee Vice Chair Mike Beltz recaps the work done over the past two months.hi
The North Dakota Legislature is in recess until Wednesday when the second half of the session begins. House Agriculture Committee Vice Chair Mike Beltz recaps the work done over the past two months.
NDSGA Supports Corporate Farming Bill
The North Dakota Soybean Growers Association supports the current version of the corporate farming bill as it passed out of the House of Representatives. Should this bill pass, it would protect family farmer and rancher control of livestock production, while allowing for the infusion of capital that many say would energize animal agriculture in our […]hi
The North Dakota Soybean Growers Association supports the current version of the corporate farming bill as it passed out of the House of Representatives.
Should this bill pass, it would protect family farmer and rancher control of livestock production, while allowing for the infusion of capital that many say would energize animal agriculture in our state.
HB 1371 limits any one corporation to...
NDSGA | Legislative Report — February 17, 2023
North Dakota Farmers Union Government Relations Director Matt Perdue says agricultural interests are hard at work as the crossover break approaches.hi
North Dakota Farmers Union Government Relations Director Matt Perdue says agricultural interests are hard at work as the crossover break approaches.
NDSGA | Legislative Report — February 10, 2023
North Dakota Grain Growers Association Executive Director Dan Wogsland explains that the North Dakota Legislature is quickly nearing crossover. He also highlighted the Ag Research and Extension bill.hi
North Dakota Grain Growers Association Executive Director Dan Wogsland explains that the North Dakota Legislature is quickly nearing crossover. He also highlighted the Ag Research and Extension bill.
NDSGA | Legislative Report — February 3, 2023
House Agriculture Committee Chair Paul Thomas introduced HB 1423. "The emphasis with this bill is to improve upon relationships between counties, townships and private landowners."hi
House Agriculture Committee Chair Paul Thomas introduced HB 1423. “The emphasis with this bill is to improve upon relationships between counties, townships and private landowners.”
NDSGA | Legislative Report — January 27, 2023
HB 1437 is one of the bills being debated in this session to enhance animal agriculture in the state. NDSGA Executive Director Nancy Johnson and Representative Mike Beltz are featured.hi
HB 1437 is one of the bills being debated in this session to enhance animal agriculture in the state. NDSGA Executive Director Nancy Johnson and Representative Mike Beltz are featured.
Murphy’s Law 2023 | #7 — County and Township funding bills
This morning your NDSGA testified on two bills that would help rural road funding. The first was SB 2275 and it would move a $400 million bucket called the SIIF –Strategic Investment and Improvement Fund- which fills from the Prairie Dog formula (oil tax is the fountain that fills these buckets). City, County and Township […]hi
This morning your NDSGA testified on two bills that would help rural road funding.
The first was SB 2275 and it would move a $400 million bucket called the SIIF –Strategic Investment and Improvement Fund- which fills from the Prairie Dog formula (oil tax is the fountain that fills these buckets). City, County and Township Infrastructure are the next bucket if enough money comes to fill it....
Murphy’s Law Blog 2023 | #6 — Getting Somewhere
Today, I was able to join Representative Paul Thomas and the North Dakota Ag Commissioner in testifying favorably on HB 1148. The bill establishes a $15 million Ag Infrastructure Fund whereby political subdivisions could access up to $2.5 million to help with costs associated with value added projects. As an example, NDSGA used the $25 […]hi
Today, I was able to join Representative Paul Thomas and the North Dakota Ag Commissioner in testifying favorably on HB 1148. The bill establishes a $15 million Ag Infrastructure Fund whereby political subdivisions could access up to $2.5 million to help with costs associated with value added projects. As an example, NDSGA used the $25 million re-do of Stutsman County Road 62 for a 10-mile...