Murphy’s Law Blog 2019 | #9
On Tuesday bill # 1476 was heard in House Finance and Tax. This would give farmers who are looking at getting out or retiring an incentive through an income tax credit if they sell their land to someone who qualifies as a beginning farmer. It was presented as something that would help the beginning farmer […]hi
On Tuesday bill # 1476 was heard in House Finance and Tax. This would give farmers who are looking at getting out or retiring an incentive through an income tax credit if they sell their land to someone who qualifies as a beginning farmer. It was presented as something that would help the beginning farmer and was looked upon favorably by the committee in that regard, but the chairman hinted...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2019 | #8
There has been discussion on legislation that would authorize the transfer of APUC, the Agricultural Products Utilization Commission, to the North Dakota Department of Agriculture (NDDA). It is currently under the umbrella of the Department of Commerce where it has resided the past 20 years or so after being taken out of the NDDA. The […]hi
There has been discussion on legislation that would authorize the transfer of APUC, the Agricultural Products Utilization Commission, to the North Dakota Department of Agriculture (NDDA). It is currently under the umbrella of the Department of Commerce where it has resided the past 20 years or so after being taken out of the NDDA. The Ag Commissioner is on the APUC board so has a lot of...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2019 | #7
As usual, Thursday and Friday contained bills that have us hopping the halls, including an energy mitigation bill (2261) from Senator Unruh that would eliminate consideration of indirect impacts when siting an oil well or wind tower. Direct impacts are tangible, such as if you destroy a tree, plant another one. Indirect impacts were portrayed […]hi
As usual, Thursday and Friday contained bills that have us hopping the halls, including an energy mitigation bill (2261) from Senator Unruh that would eliminate consideration of indirect impacts when siting an oil well or wind tower. Direct impacts are tangible, such as if you destroy a tree, plant another one. Indirect impacts were portrayed in testimony as being intangible and scientifically...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2019 | #6
On Friday I listened in to Senate Energy and Natural Resources as they entertained discussion on #2174. That is the bill that calls for Water Resource District (WRD) board members to be elected rather than appointed by County Commissioners as they are now. Having experience both as a township officer and senator with assessment drain […]hi
On Friday I listened in to Senate Energy and Natural Resources as they entertained discussion on #2174. That is the bill that calls for Water Resource District (WRD) board members to be elected rather than appointed by County Commissioners as they are now. Having experience both as a township officer and senator with assessment drain hearings, I recognize how intense (tense!) these affairs can...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2019 | #5
Well, its Friday with both bills and snow coming down here in Bismarck. Yesterday I heard a bill – 1291- on permanently registering trailers. The farmers I spoke with afterwards that had been listening in were very receptive to the $120 proposed fee. The bill was brought by the Motor Carriers because many individuals and […]hi
Well, its Friday with both bills and snow coming down here in Bismarck. Yesterday I heard a bill – 1291- on permanently registering trailers. The farmers I spoke with afterwards that had been listening in were very receptive to the $120 proposed fee. The bill was brought by the Motor Carriers because many individuals and fleets were licensing their trailers in other states which already...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2019 | #4
This is the second full week of the 16 week session and about 750 bills have entered the process. We have sorted them into a 70-some active Agricultural watch list and 130 or so on a list which is less directly affecting Ag but still of some import such as some transportation, tax or financial […]hi
This is the second full week of the 16 week session and about 750 bills have entered the process. We have sorted them into a 70-some active Agricultural watch list and 130 or so on a list which is less directly affecting Ag but still of some import such as some transportation, tax or financial bills, etc. There are expected to be at least another 250 by next week when the deadlines hit, which...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2019 | #3
All Agricultural producers know too well the many factors out of their control. Today the NDSGA testified in favor of a couple of institutions to exercise as much control as possible affecting our roads, research and marketing. Those entities were the Northern Crop Institute (NI) and Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (UGPTI). If you have […]hi
All Agricultural producers know too well the many factors out of their control. Today the NDSGA testified in favor of a couple of institutions to exercise as much control as possible affecting our roads, research and marketing. Those entities were the Northern Crop Institute (NI) and Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (UGPTI). If you have never visited or heard about NCI, I would urge...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2019 | #2
During this first full week there have been bills being drafted and dropped into the system as quickly as possible. There are now around 500 and we expect it to roughly double. Today was a big day for Agriculture kicked off by the Ag Coalition breakfast in the Capital cafeteria at 7:00 a.m. as it […]hi
During this first full week there have been bills being drafted and dropped into the system as quickly as possible. There are now around 500 and we expect it to roughly double. Today was a big day for Agriculture kicked off by the Ag Coalition breakfast in the Capital cafeteria at 7:00 a.m. as it does each Thursday during session. This morning the NDSGA testified in support of returning to the...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2019 | #1
2019 kicks off the third year and second legislative session for this blog. And we have taken the liberty of starting the numbering with 1. During these four months the idea is to give you growers a brief look at what is happening in Bismarck. Right now we are in the first full week and […]hi
2019 kicks off the third year and second legislative session for this blog. And we have taken the liberty of starting the numbering with 1. During these four months the idea is to give you growers a brief look at what is happening in Bismarck. Right now we are in the first full week and on Friday I listened in on Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee as they heard Senate Bill (SB)...
Murphy’s Law Blog 2018 | #64
It is difficult to write about the work the NDSGA does for the long term while our producers face the immediacy of terrible harvest conditions and prices, but these are a few things that Scott and I have worked this week: We were honored by the ND Association of General Contractors when asked to be […]hi
It is difficult to write about the work the NDSGA does for the long term while our producers face the immediacy of terrible harvest conditions and prices, but these are a few things that Scott and I have worked this week: We were honored by the ND Association of General Contractors when asked to be the voice of Agriculture for the Tuesday media rollout (in both Fargo and Bismarck) of a...